Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Selling Cool

Companies know that the biggest group of consumers is teenagers and young adults. These companies spend millions of dollars on research to find out what is currently cool and what the next trends could possibly be. They not only research on trend setters, the companies also do quite a bit of study on just average kids. The way trends work is that the company picks up on it and exploits the trend that becomes cool and popular until it ultimately becomes uncool. However, by the time the last trend fades out of cool the company has already picked up on the next fad and has begun pushing the new cool. The main reason why a product becomes uncool is because it gets advertised and over exposed. These companies, through research, learned that the youth did not like being told what they should buy with their money. To prevent a new trend from becoming uncool too soon companies have begun to hide their advertising as much as possible. They have since come up with new ways to push their products. Events are held to promote several products at the same time. Companies join together and throw one large event sponsored by a product, aired by a television station, and features popular musicians. This way, all of the companies and people involved with the event get positive exposure.

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