Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Modern Swiss

It was made to be clean, sleek, modern, and clear to read. The Helvetica font type is perhaps what makes design modern. Helvetica was created in 1957 by a Swiss typeface designer named Max Miendinger along with the assistance of Eduard Hoffmann. Max Miendinger felt that after World War II all of Europe was trashed and rubble and needed something new and clean to help the   continent move onward post war. He decided that a new typeface was needed to give Europe a modern look. This led to the creation of Helvetica font which rightfully means the Swiss font. It makes complete sense that the Swiss created the new modern typeface that is now the most commonly used font. The Swiss are constantly coming out with the latest in modern design. When I think of Swiss the words that instantly come to mind are new, cool, clean, efficient, important and sleek. Think of someone saying “I’ll have to wire the money from my Swiss bank account.” That person seems classy and important or an international criminal. The Swiss Army Knife is the original efficient knife that has since expanded in to the Victorinox Swiss Army Company that makes products ranging from clothes to watches to fragrances. Swiss architecture is also completely modern. Space is important when it comes to modern Swiss architecture so curves, windows, and flats are used to maximize the appearance of a room. Ever since the creation of Helvetica the Swiss have been the leader in what is thought to be modern.

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