Sunday, December 5, 2010

Milton Glaser

Milton Glaser is a designer of all sorts. He goes beyond just on category of design. His work ranges from poster, drawings, prints, idea, restaurants, businesses, schools, and books. However, he does more than just come up with genius ideas that a majority of the population will like to see. Glaser is a very educated man and he feels it is important that all people should be highly educated. Because of this belief, he has helped redesign his old school and he also teaches college classes of design. Along with being educated he is also a businessman. He has designed entire restaurants, hotels, and various companies. One company he took an interest in helping design was a start up beer company, the Brooklyn Brewery. He has also worked with the store Target. On top of everything he is very political and much of his work shows his beliefs. Glaser’s work can literally be found everywhere. It was Glaser who came up with the famous I <3 NY campaign that has since expanded into all sorts of varieties of I <3’s. He has made famous book and album covers that greatly helps promotion of the book or album being sold.  He has a wait list that is years long full of people that are anxious and willing to wait the great length for his work and ideas. It is quite obvious that Milton Glaser is an extremely busy man and I think that the public is very appreciative of being exposed to his work. 

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